Why community?
We’re all made for relationships.
Being a home away from home is about knowing and being known by others.
The Living Room is more than just a meeting. We’re a community. For us that means sharing life and looking out for one another as we grow spiritually.
Work and school can crowd out the things that are most important. We’ve seen the value of connecting in a church with people your own age so that you’re not isolated.
How do you get connected in meaningful relationships here? Through participation in a small group, volunteering alongside others, or joining a missions team.
Small Groups
Small groups launch in August and run throughout the school year. Group registration reopens in January at the kickoff of our Spring Semester. We also offer Pop-Up Groups each Monday night for anyone who is curious about small groups or who wants to join in between registration times.
Whether it’s serving food, welcoming students, or leading a discussion in a small group, you can help us make The Living Room feel like home!

Every year, we send teams in partnership with global(x) to different parts of the world. We serve, share the gospel, and support the work of local churches.
These intense times of giving become a source of incredible growth, friendship, and fresh perspectives.